Tuesday 10 December 2013

The type of Men in my Life

Dear diary,

I know not why I am doing this but I'll do it anyway. A thought just crossed my mind and it left me thinking about the type of men in my life and how I can describe them in one word. I describe them as per their actions;

The charmer
He always makes me smile with his charming words and tricks.His aim is to always see me smile and to spend time with me though with no strings attached.

The Jaw Breaker
Every word that comes out of his mouth cracks me out.Even a simple salutation from him is usually hilarious.He doesn't talk much about love but from his eyes you can tell how passionate he is for me.

The Con
Every move he makes is accurately calculated to derive something from me.From the way he shakes my hand to the way he talks...one can tell he is up to get something. He is the kind that robs and dumps for better.

The Dreamer
His whole life is a dream. His dream comes true when am around him.. hehe..He always talks of the number of kidz he wants to have with me...The kind of wedding he'll have with me...blahblahblah....He calls me in the middle of night just to tell me of the dream he had and I was in it......!@#$%$

The Mr. Perfect
He is different...He is rarely around me.And when he is he is never there to make me laugh smile or the like.Actually whenever he is around I am usually afraid...Not that he is a threat but because he makes me come out of my shell. He criticizes me a lot but I like it because he make me stronger as a person. His key highlight is that he is very unpredictable.